Soul Feeding

I have a confession.  If you couldn’t tell, I fell pretty hard for the cinnamon swirl bread from last week’s giveaway.  I loved it so much that I decided to give it away again this week.  There was much rejoicing in my house at this, as it makes two loaves and that means my family could indulge in more amazing toast.  I am afraid I may have passed on my love of toast to my people too.

And speaking of my people, this week’s giveaway was to my people too. Old friends. Like old, old friends. These friends are the there-for-you-when-you-are-down, see-you-at-your-best-and-worst, and like-you-no-matter-what kind of friends.  We actually had them over to our house for a good old-fashioned brisket BBQ.  The kind my husband spends 12 hours tending to, checking the heat and smoke and fire every 15 to 30 minutes throughout the day.  He ends up smelling smoked just like the brisket does when it is done.  It is a big enough undertaking that we don’t do it that often, and I suppose our arteries thank us for that.

Although we don’t seem to get together with these friends often enough (with or without brisket), it is always the best time. This particular evening, we had a regular old lovely time.  It was usual and wonderful because it was a drop in the bucket of our time spent with them and it was nothing out of the ordinary.  We didn’t go skydiving and we didn’t sit in the sun on a tropical beach.  We really just enjoyed each other’s company and laughed at each other’s jokes.  We talked about what we have been doing, and the exotic trips that had been taken recently (them not us!).  We talked about our upcoming plans, and we reminisced about our shared memories while making new ones.

I think it is this layering of memories that really make old friends so amazing.  Everything is natural and there is a depth that just can’t be built in days and months.  It really requires years and seasons of life.  Like your best pair of old jeans that you want to slip on after a hard day at work because you know they will just fit.  It is the ease and the comfort you feel with someone who knows you well that is soul feeding. They know your stories, and you know theirs.  As Lyle Lovett said, “You don’t have to have anything in common with people you’ve known since you were five. With old friends, you’ve got your whole life in common.”

At the end of the evening, my husband and I both got into bed with huge smiles on our faces.  We were unbelievably happy and our hearts were full. There are friends that you get to do life with.  The whole thing.  And what an amazing gift they are.