Maybe these are not exactly frequent, but often asked questions are OAQs, and no one knows what those are.  So here we go in no particular order at this present time.  If you have a question you want to submit, please feel free to send it to me here.


Q: How do you pick your recipients?

A: This whole project is meant to be many things, one of is a learning experience for me. I tend to like to plan, so I do have a tentative schedule of bread and intended recipients, but sometimes I override the plan when a name just comes to me.  I am still fine tuning this.  You can read about one week when that was a big struggle for me here.  I ultimately want to make sure I don’t plan myself out of hearing from God or organize over His plans.  His plans are always better than mine.


Q: Do you taste test all your recipes before giving them away?

A: Mmmmhmmmm.  My family is not bummed about this.  Getting rounder each week? Yes! But not sad.  I may need to outsource taste testing soon!


Q: What type of yeast do you use?

A: Whatever I have.  Generally, my yeast is Active Dry Yeast.  I buy mine in 2 lb packages and keep it in the fridge.


Q: Why do you make so many no-knead recipes?  Do you hate to knead?

A: Actually, no! I don’t mind kneading, but sometimes I am short on (hands-on) time and or I use high hydration doughs like the no kneads because they will ferment for a long time and get a really delicious crisp crust.  


Q: Why do you use an instant-read thermometer when checking for doneness?

A: While I love the thump it and it’s done if it’s hollow sound, I have had a few loaves stay a bit gummy because I didn’t quite have them done when I took them out.  The thermometer takes the guesswork out of it. Here is the one I use, and I actually have two in the kitchen.  Mine is yellow, but they have updated it now to be red.


Q: What are your favorite kitchen tools?

A: I will give you a list because I love a list!

  • Sheet trays.  Or, more correctly, ½ sheet trays.  I love them. I currently have 3 and some nights all 3 are in the rotation.  I could definitely use more. My sister has 5. I have always looked up to her.
  • The digital instant-read thermometer (see above).
  • Channel Knife.  I love, love, love water with a twist of lemon in it.  It is like it is a completely different drink. I have literally been complimented on the water I serve when I put a twist of lemon in it!
  • This fish spatula is everything.  No other spatulas needs apply.  I use it for everything unless there is a nonstick surface involved.
  • 100% linen dish towels.  I love them oh so much. They are my favorite gift to give people for lots of occasions.  I get them at a great general store near me.  I think they are called owners favorite, or the best.  They are often in my pictures too because they are beautiful and useful.
  • A kitchen scale like this one.  This isn’t the model I have, but it looks similar and has the same basic features.  What is best is the simplicity of an on/off/tare and then the ability to move between grams and ounces.  I actually bake quite a bit of bread, especially sourdoughs by weight, and that is how professional bakers do it as well.  I also like it for consistency when I am making buns, or flat bread, other dough that needs to be split into many pieces.  I think every kitchen should have one.


Q: What is this fancy tool you are constantly talking about to cut bread before baking?

A: A lame.  Don’t snicker.  It really is called a lame (imagine pronouncing it as if you were French).  I just got one to start using and will update on my thoughts on necessity.