Two Giveaways, a Cookie, and a Project

I make a great birthday gift!

I can’t believe we are almost three weeks into the new year! I am used to it feeling like the year is speeding by, but I don’t generally feel that way in January. So I have a little catching up to do on my giveaways, sharing a new recipe I published, and providing details for a little project I am starting.

First things first. I posted a new recipe for what I like to think is the best spin on a chocolate chip cookie ever. I know, I know, it is a bold statement. I can really only make that because it is not just a chocolate chip cookie. Instead, it has a bit more going on, as I always want chocolate chip cookies to have some dough pizzazz to match the chips. So in this recipe, I added blended oatmeal, finely ground chocolate and roasted and salted pecans. The result? These Pecan Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Cookies, that I promise you will love. That is if you love oatmeal and chocolate and salted pecans–and it would be totally crazy not to love those things, right?

Now the giveaways! The first week of January saw me giving away a loaf to one of my favorite people. No joke, it went something like this.

Me: making my favorite sourdough loaf that I hadn’t made in months, it bakes up beautiful on a Sunday morning, so I pack it and bring it to church to find someone to give it to. It also happened to be my sister’s birthday, so as I am chatting to her after the service, getting the low down on our afternoon celebration plans, I mention I need to find someone to give my bread to.

My sister: (a kind soul, decides not to hit me over the head, or look at me like I am a complete dolt) Simply says, “Me! I would be happy to take your bread.”

So, duh, of course, I gave it to her. It was her birthday after all, and my first loaf giveaway of the year? Yes, totally going to my best big sister (also, my only sister, but that is besides the point, she would be the best no matter what). I am happy to report she enjoyed it the next night with soup and the fam, as well as several more pieces of toast–no sharing–throughout the next week.

The second week of January, my giveaway loaf of bread was my favorite cinnamon swirl bread. I had planned this recipient and his family for (figuratively) ever, as I used to work with him. We were on so many working teams together over the years solving complex and fun problems, and I miss our weekly meetings more than I can say. He was on my must gift bread to list from the get go, and I really should have gifted him bread much, much sooner in this whole adventure. Somehow, though, it just never came together. Until, finally, the stars aligned and I was able to do a delivery to him and his wonderful wife. What made it a bit unusual, was that I did the giveaway at my dad‘s memorial service. I know that seems a bit odd, but you would have had to know my dad and to understand how much he loved serving and providing food to people. It actually was, in my mind, a good tribute to my dad, and a great opportunity to tell my friend how much I appreciated his support and friendship. I even got a picture later in the day of kids happily munching buttered bread. Nothing beats that–truly!

And so now you are all caught up on the first two giveaways and have a little kitchen project to make cookies should you want to. So that brings me to the last little update.  I am about to embark on a bit of a baking project or adventure for the downhill slide of winter. I recently read a great article about how everyone should have a winter cooking goal, and so I have decided that the time has finally come to conquer…the baguette! I have had a few attempts to this point, and have come up with passable results, but I think it is time to really lean in on this one, and get to what I think is my perfect home version. I promise to update you on my progress over the next several weeks. In reality, my oven not being a commercial size, they will probably be more like demi-baguettes, but if I can get a crackly crust and a chewy flavorful interior, that makes me dream in French, I will call it a win: Bonne chance, no?