
In general, I am not a huge fan of the response, “Busy!” when someone asks how you are doing. It is not very warm, can seem almost braggy, and in general, feels like such a default reflexive response. I think I will hug the next person who tells me they don’t have a lot going on, and if you read my last post, you know that is a momentous statement.

However, there are times when we are all genuinely, legitimately, busy. For whatever reason, we have too much packed into a tight time frame and nothing else really seems to fit the bill in answering that question. Pass officially given. This past month has been my busy season. It always is at the end of the school year. The “busy” seems to hit a fevered pitch mid-May that continues through the end of school, and a bit beyond sometimes, depending on different birthday plans, or anything else we have going on.

And I got through it, just like every year, doing the thing that I tend to do when too much is packed in–focusing only on the very next thing in front of me.  Important meeting on Monday? Super. But, let’s get through this giant kid’s birthday party on Saturday first, please. We can prep for the meeting on Sunday. Leaving for camping on Friday?  Great, but I can’t really think about that until after Thursday’s 8th-grade promotion. There will be time to grocery shop, do laundry, and pack after that. When someone mentions an event that is not the “next” item, I tend to get confused.  Why are we even talking about that? We have to get through these other hurdles first.

As a planner, someone who enjoys being prepared, I don’t think that this brings out the best in me, so I always know I am in trouble when I am one foot in front of the other mode. However there is always light at the end of the tunnel, and I am here to tell you I have officially reached the light.

Do you know what spans in front of me now? Nada. Seriously. I am NOT busy. We are heading into summer for real, and I am officially pumped. All the requirements have been fulfilled for the immediate future. We have days staring us down where we get to actually choose what we want to do. It is damn luxurious. I know this will all end eventually, but I am going to enjoy the ride. The change from busy to not, the downshift to choosing what to do versus just doing what is in front of you should be celebrated properly. Therefore, I have decided I should make a summer list of to-dos.  As someone who likes to plan, there are few things that I like more than an intentional list–just ask my kids who I already put through this exercise. I know how to celebrate right? Don’t fret, I won’t keep the fun to myself, but will share it here once I have my summer magnus opus complete.

In the meantime, I can share a few of my recent giveaways:

A lovely throwback rosemary raisin to my husband’s Aunt, Uncle, and Grandmother who just moved to our town. A little homemade loaf seemed like a good idea in the midst of picking up and moving to a new place after living your entire life elsewhere. Talk about brave!

My latest sourdough (I have made some tweaks to my standard recipe and it is really elevating things!) was gifted to some family friends. My brother in law did the delivery as it was in the middle of busy weeks and it was fun to do a proxy giveaway. I haven’t interviewed him on how he felt doing the delivery, but he seemed very game for it. I also got a lovely text from the recipient and the bread surprise seemed to make them feel loved and special–just what I am after, after all.

And, of course, my usual #stickybunsfordads for Father’s day. I was able to make four different plates of caramel pecan sticky buns and gift them appropriately. They are sweet, sticky and definitely over the top–perfect to celebrate a dad or anyone for that matter.